Friday 17 May 2013

Decorating biscuits! and advice!

Hello Lovelies!

Happy Friday! How has your Friday been? Good, i hope? Tell me about it! I want to know what you've been up to! 

I've been decorating biscuits! My 3 year old brother (Ben) decorated biscuits in his early start session that he does with me at school and it just made me want to do it too! 

As you can see, they aren't greatest but i tried! You can also see (in the picture on the right) that there is more icing on the tray than on the biscuits, i tried guys! Give me some credit! I just put haribo's on them to make them more fun since i made them as treats for my younger brothers and my sister. 

I got Ben to help decorate them too! I really enjoy things like this because one, it saves me doing so much and two, it gives him the chance to do fun things like this! He wasn't super pleased with his hands being sticky afterwards but he's enjoyed eating these biscuits so i'd say that's a win!

To decorate these biscuits i first got some digestive biscuits (Rich tea or any plain biscuits would work too, i just prefer digestives and so do my brothers) and covered them in icing made with icing sugar. (hello dentist!) Then i just used Haribo sweets since they were the only ones i had to hand but again, any would work! 

This sounds like such a "mummy" blog (which i love) but i can assure you, i'm not a mother haha! I just adore my little brothers. 

Another thing! I really want to start doing advice blog post type things every week! So all you need to do is if you have a question or need advice/help with something just email it to me at with the subject line as Advice and i will respond here. Your question will be posted anonymously unless stated otherwise. I also want a name for it like advice thursdays. Obviously better than that since i'm not super creative but anyway! 

Have a good weekend my lovelies! 
Stay beautiful, be fearless.



  1. Great blog!!! I followed!!!!

  2. What a cute post! I really like the way they came out. You sound like a really sweet big sister! Thank you so much of checking out my youtube channel and subbing. I'm following you now on gfc. Check out my blog and if you like it follow me too. Lets keep in touch, I visit and comment the blogs I follow. :)



    1. aah you're so lovely thankyou!

      i'm going to follow you now! yes! lets keep in touch! xxx

  3. They look so cute! I just happened on your blog, I LOVE it! +1 follower :) xxx

  4. Hello Patricia! It's first time I visit your blog and it is a beautiful place of yours. This post look so yummy, may I get one? :)

    1. aw thankyou lovely! min clicking the little follow button to the right if you enjoy my blog?:)

      aw sending one through air mail to you!

      have a good week lovely :)

